Hooray that finally we are able to find out the next part of the epic love story that is Luce and Daniel. WATCH THIS SPACE.
Update 24 Jan 2011: To say I was disappointed with this installment would be a mild understatement. Honestly, yay for Luce for finally thinking for herself for once and rebelling back from Daniel - but honestly..She got off as whiny for half the book. I don't agree with her for a majority of her actions in regards to her relationship, but what is done is done.
She spends the entire time calling Daniel selfish (which, admittedly, he is guilty of) but she also does not see the hypocrisy of the situation at all. They need a good bout of couples therapy, coupled with someone tying Daniel's wings together so he just doesn't take flight whenever the two of them are skimming the surface of real conversation.
Hopefully the final chapter is more pleasing.

OK, so I gave into my desires and got a copy of this book (along with another few hundred or so novels.. what do you expect from a book nerd!). I love the new feeling of a new book purchase - I get all giddy and excited! teehee.. I will start reading this book sometime this week as I am in for a long commute for a course I'm completing.
Update 06 Sept 2010: This by far was a very fast read. It was amazing. The story kept me intrigued and hungry for more (for lack of a better passe statement!) And to be completely honest, Patch seriously left me breathless whenever he was trying to seduce Nora! Yes, at times Nora is a bit..hard to take in, but I spose you could call it her charm..Patch makes everything worthwhile to say the least :)

I started reading this book a couple of days ago, and it's been torture trying to get into it.. Maybe it was a bad idea to read it as soon as I finished Fallen (without a proper period of time to let the other story fade..). I just saw a Dark Secrets 2: No Time To Die * The Deep End of Fear was released May 4 2010~ I wonder if I will be captivated enough to purchase the second installment?

This book first hit the shelves in Dec 2009 and I just finished it. I was so busy I stopped halfway. But its a good thing, since I didn't have to agonize for the past few months waiting for the Sept 2010 release if the next book aptly titled Torment haha! I now have to endure 3 more months. *shakes head*
It's an intriguing novel where only a little bit of information is given at a time. We learn everything as Luce (the female antagonist) does, so we are not in the loop. The love story between Luce and Daniel is..dare I say it..heartbreaking.
Kate has an amazing ability to tell an enticing story that is both other-worldly yet relate-able to her readers.. Don't we all wish for our very own Daniel? :)